The story of the Zong casts a shadow over the annals of maritime history as a chilling testament to human cruelty. In the year, this British slave ship, laden with hundreds of captive Africans transported to the Caribbean, embarked on a gruesome voyage that would result in a tragedy of unspeakable proportions. Driven by avarice and indifference to
Ragnarök's Shadow: The Crumbling of Viking Power
The winds of change blew across the realms, whispering tales of a coming darkness. Since centuries, the Vikings had carved their path through blood and iron, instilling their will upon the land. Their longships raced across the seas, filled by warriors eager for glory. But now, a chill crept into their heartland. The grip of Ragnarök, the fabled m
Gutenberg's Legacy: A Printing Revolution
Johannes Gutenberg's invention transformed the world through his groundbreaking printing press. This invention, which utilized movable type, made it possible to produce books at a rate never before seen. Prior to Gutenberg's contribution, books were painstakingly transcribed by hand, making them both dear. The advent of printing democratized knowle